Here's a Pic of Brian Mason with Sarah Palin from January 2008. Mason is an MLA in the Alberta Legislature and a member of the New Democrat Party (NDP) in Canada. Who are the NDP? Well the New Democrats are one of Canada's National Political Parties that run on a platform of socialist and social welfare values. They recently ended up with 36 seats in the National House of Parliament and are one of the official opposition parties in the Canadian Parliamentary governing system.
So why was a Socialist like Brian Mason meeting with Sarah Palin? They certainly don't share ideological principles. Perhaps though they do. Mason was up in Anchorage to learn from Sarah Palin how the Alaska system of issuing a four figure check to every man, woman and child in Alaska works. A Check that is possible from royalty payments made my large Oil companies drilling in Alaska.
The Alaska government likes to spread this wealth to it's citizens through regular payments to citizens and in fact, Palin spread even more wealth since becoming Alaska Governor increasing the payments to over $3200 per year to each Alaskan.
All this spreading the wealth sounds like one of the basic tenants of Socialist ideology. It's curious that Governor Palin and Senator McCain like to endlessly natter on about Joe the Plumber, Tito the Jackson 5 builder and (for all I know Dora the Explorer) while at the same time painting Barack Obama as an evil socialist who wants to spread the wealth around.
Only a few weeks before being named the Vice Presidential Nominee, Palin was defending her Socialist principles:
“we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs.”
Does Senator McCain know he has a socialist on his own ticket???