Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Obama in 30 seconds

Way back in 1972 Andy Warhol Supported George McGovern's presidential bid against Richard nixon be creating a screen print of nixon looking bloated and sickly with the simple words "vote McGovern" It was an inspirational artistic statement of a modern day political statement. 

Now jump ahead to modern day and check out the artistic statements in move-on.org  obama in 30 Seconds contest. The finalists are now available and you can vote for your favs. I was struck by how damn good they are, and in many cases better than the ads that the Obama campaign has been grinding out. My favorites include Purple - a play on the ubiquitous Apple ad and Imagine - a simple but powerful claymation video. Brilliant! 

Vote for your favorites at Obama in 30 Seconds. 

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