Thursday, February 28, 2008
William F Buckley Dies
The great droll, cantankerous, intellectual who never met an argument he didn't like has passed away at the age of 82. You don't have to support his ideas or policies to appreciate his passion for argument and intelligent discourse. Watch the video below, a debate between Buckley and Gore Vidal from 1968 about the qualities needed to be President. It would be charming if it wasn't so timely.
Robocalls and Superdelgates
Marc Cooper at the Huffington Post couldn’t have written it better about “Hillary’s Farewell. You can check out his article here:
Which is definitely worth a read.
Onwards with Hillary, ramping up the anger with heavy duty “robocalls” throughout Iowa, Here is the script of the robocall:
This is Hillary Clinton calling to set the record straight.
Senator Obama has sent out attack mailers that distort my record on NAFTA, but I believe Ohio deserves the truth.
NAFTA has hurt Ohio families and I have a plan to fix it. My opponent does not. I’ll appoint a Trade Prosecutor to enforce our trade agreements, and crackdown on China’s unfair trade practices. I'll eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas, and invest in creating good jobs right here in Ohio.
Ohio needs solutions, not distortions. With your support on March 4th, we can jumpstart the economy and get Ohio back to work.
Now in case Clinton does somehow succeed in Ohio and Texas and the race remains tight with the super delegate issue remaining, here is a link to a list of all the un pledged delegates. Don’t forget to hassle them and remind them to support the primary voters decision:
Which is definitely worth a read.
Onwards with Hillary, ramping up the anger with heavy duty “robocalls” throughout Iowa, Here is the script of the robocall:
This is Hillary Clinton calling to set the record straight.
Senator Obama has sent out attack mailers that distort my record on NAFTA, but I believe Ohio deserves the truth.
NAFTA has hurt Ohio families and I have a plan to fix it. My opponent does not. I’ll appoint a Trade Prosecutor to enforce our trade agreements, and crackdown on China’s unfair trade practices. I'll eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas, and invest in creating good jobs right here in Ohio.
Ohio needs solutions, not distortions. With your support on March 4th, we can jumpstart the economy and get Ohio back to work.
Now in case Clinton does somehow succeed in Ohio and Texas and the race remains tight with the super delegate issue remaining, here is a link to a list of all the un pledged delegates. Don’t forget to hassle them and remind them to support the primary voters decision:
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Three Faces of Hillary

"The Sky will Open, the Light will come down, Celestial Choirs will be singing..."

(Hillary watches Saturday Night Live)

(Hillary Stalks SuperDelegates)
When she tires of summoning the shrieking monkeys onto her opponent, presumably Hillary spent the last week re-reading the NAFTA trade Agreement, caterwalling each time a new mailer arrives from Obama, and approving the Barack "what not to wear" photos for distribution.
Of course the Clinton08 campaign office has been busy, what with all those mailers and photos and shrieking monkeys, but at least they had time to whip up a new campaign (un)strategy, the KITCHEN SINK manifesto, sure to appear as if (a) they know what they are doing and (b) not panicking and (c) really really have a strategy for this campaign.
crabby weasel
Monday, February 25, 2008
WHNT Alabama Suppresses Truth
CBS's 60 Minutes broadcast of feb 24/08 included a segment on former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. Siegelman, sentenced to 7 years in jail on a flimsy charge appears more and more to be the victim of political prosecution, An enemy of the Bush Criminal family and a fall guy of the Rove jack boots, thumping down on those that belong to the "wrong" political party in Alabama.
If all of this doesn't sniff of a Communist regime snuffing out the dissenters It only gets better with Alabama TV Station WHNT who mysteriously "lost" the CBS feed, GOSH right when the Siegelmen segment began! And of course the techs working tirelessly couldn't get the signal back until the segment was over ( right at 6:12 pm!). So those folks over at WHNT solved the problem by showing the show (or bury it ) on the late night news - 10:15 pm.
Well that's what Stan Pylant, President and GM of WHMT CHannel 19 said in his statement, except CBS response was that it is simply not true:
CBS News – which owns 60 Minutes – denied any problem on their end.
Scott Horton of Harper’s magazine reported late last night that CBS was directly pointing back at the local outlets as the cause of the problem.
"I contacted CBS News in New York and was told that 'there is no delicate way to put this: the WHNT claim is not true. There were no transmission difficulties. The problems were peculiar to Channel 19, which had the signal and had functioning transmitters.' I was told that the decision to blacken screens across Northern Alabama 'could only have been an editorial call.'
AN EDITORIAL CALL. From the station that is owned by the Oak Hill Capital Partners, which is owned by the Bass Brothers, a major "Pioneer" Fundraiser and supporters of the Bush Administration besides bail out support for failed Bush Energy Venture Spectrum 7.
But wait! Bonus suppression, political malfeasance and government meddling with this story including White House pressure on CBS to kill the story, Journalists attacked and whistle blower Dana Jill Simpson testifying under oath to Congress as to Rove's involvement having her house mysteriously catching fire after coming forward.
Dear God! Political prisoners, government manipulation, suppression of the Media and Free Speech, fear tactics and on and on. Isn't this why we have trade embargos with Cuba?
Make sure you let WHNT know that you won't stand for suppressing truth:
WHNT-TV, Huntsville, AL: Email NewsChannel 19
As David Bowie Said; This is Not America!
CBS News – which owns 60 Minutes – denied any problem on their end.
Scott Horton of Harper’s magazine reported late last night that CBS was directly pointing back at the local outlets as the cause of the problem.
"I contacted CBS News in New York and was told that 'there is no delicate way to put this: the WHNT claim is not true. There were no transmission difficulties. The problems were peculiar to Channel 19, which had the signal and had functioning transmitters.' I was told that the decision to blacken screens across Northern Alabama 'could only have been an editorial call.'
AN EDITORIAL CALL. From the station that is owned by the Oak Hill Capital Partners, which is owned by the Bass Brothers, a major "Pioneer" Fundraiser and supporters of the Bush Administration besides bail out support for failed Bush Energy Venture Spectrum 7.
But wait! Bonus suppression, political malfeasance and government meddling with this story including White House pressure on CBS to kill the story, Journalists attacked and whistle blower Dana Jill Simpson testifying under oath to Congress as to Rove's involvement having her house mysteriously catching fire after coming forward.
Dear God! Political prisoners, government manipulation, suppression of the Media and Free Speech, fear tactics and on and on. Isn't this why we have trade embargos with Cuba?
Make sure you let WHNT know that you won't stand for suppressing truth:
WHNT-TV, Huntsville, AL: Email NewsChannel 19
As David Bowie Said; This is Not America!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Dem Debate - Jumping the shark
The most personal and passionate response from Hillary Clinton at the Dem Debate last night came at the end:
But for me the defining moment of the debate came with Hillary's xerox comment. If a political campaign has "jump the shark" moments then this was it for the Hillary Clinton campaign. The wheels on the bus came off, the train slipped off the tracks and campaign fell down the cliff.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
McCain: Ethics is a four letter word

Of course it will "look bad" Good lord, McCain flying around on Iseman client jets, making phone calls on behalf of Iseman clients and McCain staffers wondering why she is always around and turning up at corporate fundraisers. All of this as McCain staffers are worried that the relationship might be turning romantic. Ug.
So here you have the presumptive republican nominee, a self appointed bastion of independence and campaign finance reform, turning away the "soft money" and the special interests and all along he has continued the process of bedding down with special interests and apologizing for it later.
Just remember, this is the candidate who:
- Played a role in the Charles Keating Savings and Loan disaster but snuck out with a reprimand for "poor judgement"
- Publicly wouldn't fly commercial direct between Arizona and Washington after supporting that flight route but was happy to accept rides on private corporate jets.
- Promoted tighter campaign finance reforms while at the same time accepting funds from the very groups we was publicy disavowing. His response? Whoops - sorry won't do that again.
McCain thinks the NYT is conducting a smear campaign on him. His friends say sometimes McCain is "essentially an honorable person: but "sometimes can be imprudent" Yes well that's putting it mildly.
Here's the thing John. you can't go around waving your finger sanctimoniously at everyone else, apologizing when you get caught and continue to suckle at the teat of special interests, lobbyists and corporate favors. Choose a path and stick to it, Stop scuffing around the margins. We need better than this.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Michelle *IS* really proud
All this morning, commentator gums have been flapping at the speed of sound over Michelle Obama's comments, "for the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country" Over at Fox and CNN they have analyzed when Michelle became an adult and compared that to country pride. Even Air america, one of the few bastions of progressive thought moaned and groaned about Michelle's presumably traitorous statement. But is that what she said? Really? Check out this video and listen carefully before blasting her:
Was it edited out? was it two different speeches? What the hell happened here? If she's really proud for the first time doesn't that change the tone quite a bit?
Of course all the attention to this is REALLY REALLY crazy.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Primary Presidential Oscars
I'm already tired of's ernest video of Obama "yes we can" It's a bit much frankly, but since it is almost oscar time here's My personal Oscars of best viral candidate video:
Best 2008 ernest spoof award goes to the great John McCain Video "No you can't"
Most brazen use of T and A to advance biblical principles:
The I got time on my hands after Florida award:
The Sum41 Special merit award for hillary lust (with special merit award for rhyming skank):
Best use of irony (I hope!) for past presidents:
the Golden Presidential award for absolute over the top serious presidential love:
(thanks to Manic Street Preachers and Bob Dylan's Theme time radio hour for the love)
~the weasel~
Licking Ikea pop up retail
A few trends appeared magically today from DDI Magazine and Trend Candy. First IKEA launching a mobile kiosk as a test as it's Seattle store allowing customers to sync cell phones in store by bar codes or text messaging.
Now when I first read this I was excited thinking that it was some uber-cool Swedish furniture store that could be wheeled into the nearest shopping mall, or campus bookstore or student residence to hawk the put it together wares. Then I thought perhaps it was some nifty techno GPS device that would help you locate the missing Svenberg side rails that have eluded you in the cavernous store. Sadly it's just a service that sends promotions and coupons to your cell phone reminding you that if you can't locate the pesky side rails you can still get the $1.99 breakfast special.
Following up on residence student wet dream consumerism comes Casula -- Room in a box! That's right, you can buy a whole room (well an ok equipped dorm room in a nice little box that you can wheel in and put together *snap* just like that)! They even have a video at youtube that you can check out at My Room in a Box - The Casulo (VIDEO).
Now many many years ago my parents bought cardboard furniture with groovy denim slipcovers. I don't recall the family having quite this much ease and fun un-boxing the sofa as these guys, but I bet they didn't have a dad that would hammer the Christmas Tree into the floor.
Finally in the what's trendy but damn fun world another emerging trend from the trend candy folk, the LICKABLE magazine ad. That's right, finally ad's you can lick starting with Welch's grape juice. We've had scratch and sniff and perfume samples to assault us now we can lick the pages of our fav rav mag! And don't tell me you haven't wanted to do that every once in awhile!
Off to lick the pages of newsweek......
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