Of course it will "look bad" Good lord, McCain flying around on Iseman client jets, making phone calls on behalf of Iseman clients and McCain staffers wondering why she is always around and turning up at corporate fundraisers. All of this as McCain staffers are worried that the relationship might be turning romantic. Ug.
So here you have the presumptive republican nominee, a self appointed bastion of independence and campaign finance reform, turning away the "soft money" and the special interests and all along he has continued the process of bedding down with special interests and apologizing for it later.
Just remember, this is the candidate who:
- Played a role in the Charles Keating Savings and Loan disaster but snuck out with a reprimand for "poor judgement"
- Publicly wouldn't fly commercial direct between Arizona and Washington after supporting that flight route but was happy to accept rides on private corporate jets.
- Promoted tighter campaign finance reforms while at the same time accepting funds from the very groups we was publicy disavowing. His response? Whoops - sorry won't do that again.
McCain thinks the NYT is conducting a smear campaign on him. His friends say sometimes McCain is "essentially an honorable person: but "sometimes can be imprudent" Yes well that's putting it mildly.
Here's the thing John. you can't go around waving your finger sanctimoniously at everyone else, apologizing when you get caught and continue to suckle at the teat of special interests, lobbyists and corporate favors. Choose a path and stick to it, Stop scuffing around the margins. We need better than this.
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