Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Licking Ikea pop up retail

A few trends appeared magically today from DDI Magazine and Trend Candy. First IKEA launching a mobile kiosk as a test as it's Seattle store allowing customers to sync cell phones in store by bar codes or text messaging. 
Now when I first read this I was excited thinking that it was some uber-cool Swedish furniture store that could be wheeled into the nearest shopping mall, or campus bookstore or student residence to hawk the put it together wares. Then I thought perhaps it was some nifty techno GPS device that would help you locate the missing Svenberg side rails that have eluded you in the cavernous store. Sadly it's just a service that sends promotions and coupons to your cell phone reminding you that if you can't locate the pesky side rails you can still get the $1.99 breakfast  special. 
Following up on residence student wet dream consumerism comes Casula -- Room in a box! That's right, you can buy a whole room (well an ok equipped dorm room in a nice little box that you can wheel in and put together *snap* just like that)! They even have a video at youtube that you can check out at My Room in a Box - The Casulo (VIDEO)

Now many many years ago my parents bought cardboard furniture with groovy denim slipcovers. I don't recall the family having quite this much ease and fun un-boxing the sofa as these guys, but I bet they didn't have a dad that would hammer the Christmas Tree into the floor.

Finally in the what's trendy but damn fun world another emerging trend from the trend candy folk, the LICKABLE magazine ad. That's right, finally ad's you can lick starting with Welch's grape juice. We've had scratch and sniff and perfume samples to assault us now we can lick the pages of our fav rav mag! And don't tell me you haven't wanted to do that every once in awhile! 

Off to lick the pages of newsweek......

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