Thursday, February 28, 2008

Robocalls and Superdelgates

Marc Cooper at the Huffington Post couldn’t have written it better about “Hillary’s Farewell. You can check out his article here:
Which is definitely worth a read.

Onwards with Hillary, ramping up the anger with heavy duty “robocalls” throughout Iowa, Here is the script of the robocall:
This is Hillary Clinton calling to set the record straight.

Senator Obama has sent out attack mailers that distort my record on NAFTA, but I believe Ohio deserves the truth.
NAFTA has hurt Ohio families and I have a plan to fix it. My opponent does not. I’ll appoint a Trade Prosecutor to enforce our trade agreements, and crackdown on China’s unfair trade practices. I'll eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas, and invest in creating good jobs right here in Ohio.
Ohio needs solutions, not distortions. With your support on March 4th, we can jumpstart the economy and get Ohio back to work.

Now in case Clinton does somehow succeed in Ohio and Texas and the race remains tight with the super delegate issue remaining, here is a link to a list of all the un pledged delegates. Don’t forget to hassle them and remind them to support the primary voters decision:

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