Monday, March 10, 2008

Baffling Billary

It's kind of funny is it wasn't so sad that the Billary campaign has had to resort to deciding what role Barack Obama can play on a joint ticket for the presidential race. First was Hillary raising the possibility of a joint ticket last week (presumably the morning after guilt effects of the shrieking monkeys and kitchen sink campaign) but by this weekend, after that spin had worn thin, there is Bill espousing that Obama would make a good VP candidate since he did not have the same foreign policy experience as Hillary. Then Wolfson stated that Obama "hasn't passed the commander in chief test" but he might just be able to by Denver

Oh my gawd what are these people drinking? There is a big rip in reality with the clinton camp when you are trailing in the primaries and suggesting that the one beating you should be number two in the election campaign. Toon Town logic.

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