Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hillary's very Own Nafta-gate

Dear Mrs Clinton; 

You need to get on the phone to Canada - and fast! I'm a little worried up here what with Ian Brodie, Prime Minster Stephen Harper's chief of staff is not only being implicated for leaking the Obama Nafta Gate memo but he's mentioning you as well! 

As reported by CBC, Canwest News Service and on the Canadian news program "the National", Brodie says: 

Brodie allegedly also discussed musings by Obama's Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, saying people from her camp also told Canadians to take her NAFTA concerns with a grain of salt.
Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black Mrs Clinton? Why even your campaign strategist Mark Penn was gloating and a bit self righteous when talking to reporters stating that:
"It had a significant impact," Mark Penn said during a conference call with reporters. "I think it is going to be a serious issue moving forward in this campaign. It raised serious questions about Obama."

So how come it raises serious questions for the Obama campaign but not yours? Lot of flip flopping going on in your campaign as well?

Better dial the red phone way before 3AM on this one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On a similar note, David Sirota points out the bizarre spectacle of Evita Clinton, former NAFTA cheerleader, now saying she has always been a critic.

And Evita solemnly assures us that she and McWarmonger have a lifetime of experience whereas Obama only has a speech.

Presumably, she will endorse McWarmonger if Obama is the nominee?

Truly, the Peron camp is pulling out all the stops to stop Obama. She will stop at nothing.

I wonder if Karl Rove is one of her unofficial advisors?

Joel Grant