Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A local spat on Religious Dominion-ism

Warren Young consumed a fair bit of print lines in the Friday March 7, 2008 Spruce Grove Examiner Letter, "Impressed with youth". It is one of those fascinating letters that one reads hoping that at some point the writer will get to the point. By the last few paragraphs Mr Young does attempt to bring this well intended youth clarion call to some sort of conclusion by suggesting that "older" readers support youth by speaking on the merits of Faytene Kryskow.

Mr Young is obviously a fan of Ms Kryskow and effuses about her book "Stand on Guard", her meetings with elected officials and TV station interviews along with a curious statement that Ms Kryskow has been referred as the "Canadian Joan of Arc". Further, Mr Young let's us know that Kryskow book is a "best-seller".

I wouldn't normally give much credence to all this rambling if I was not struck by (a) the best seller reference and (b) the lack of any concrete discussion of what Ms Kryskow stands for. In fact after reading the letter a couple of times searching for content I wondered if this wasn't all some veiled sales pitch for Kryskow speaking engagements or books sales or some such.

One of the first things I learned about Ms Kryskow is that her book is in fact not a best seller. It appears to be a self published work that is presently available through her website with Paypal. It is not distributed through the largest Canadian book retailer; nor through This is a relatively minor fact checking issue however once one begins to check out Ms Kryskow.

A quick search of the big ole Internet will tell you that Faytene Kryskow is a peculiar mix of youthful exuberance, evangelical dominion-ism and anti-abortion rhetoric. While waxing on about righteous foundations in Canada, Kryskow mixes in a few youtube videos on her personal testaments and calling those to arms to "raise a generation of revivalists and revolutionaries" - sort of biblical Trocky-isms I guess.

The anti-abortion issue aside, some of Ms Kryskow's comments on video are truly bizarre. Speaking at a youth conference last year in Ottawa, Kryskow's video puckishly discusses the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love as the start of sexual perversion and then proceeds to draw a direct line between Women's Rights and the US ERA Amendment; done in order to advocate abortion rights.

What is most disingenuous about Faytene Kryskow is not her her perky anti abortion stance or summer of love / women's rights leaps of logic but rather a comment from her own official website. Assuring readers that she has "strong accountability" she follows this up with the warning that her home church will not be listed so the media can not attend and report on it. - Accountability indeed.

So I suppose the message here is while Mr Young probably has the best intentions in mind when he wrote his letter, I think it is only fair that he be open and honest and forthright on the subject matter he is speaking of. It does a huge disservice not only to youth, but to all of us when a thinly veiled moral or political position is wrapped in touchy feely, inaccurate and the obtuse language like Mr Young's letter.


John said...

It sound like some of her earlier book when she lived in Vancouver and they weren't in any of the bookstores or in the Vancouver Public Library.Her home Church was West Point Christian Fellowship is a non-denonominational church on Macdonald & 12th ave.She ran Vancouver Extreme Prophetic snd was involved with the Salvation Army War College.But I had a bad experience with her did not seem like a caring person to turn to to help get something straightened out.Here's what happened.
May/2004 Fresh Fire Abbotsford was ok.May/04 Worship Invasion Venue/Peace Portal Alliance,Surrey.
Ed Rubuliak is the moderator was youth leader at Glad Tidings Church.Someone from his group slandered me when he said,"Do you know you are never allowed to go to a Fresh Fire Conference again because (you prayed over a woman and took the ring off of her finger?",from there the place went beserk,I was not heard,they believed it to be true,they probably thought they has a prophetic vision and they didn't want to let that go.June/04 Cordial Hall,Pender/Templeton,Vancouver.
Extreme Prophetic Venue run by Faytene,they must've told her because she said,"John Paysar,I don't like you,I rebuke you in the name of Jesus,you're on private property,we own the building,if you don't leave we'll phone the police",she tries to shove me down the sidewalk I was standing on the whole time.I met with Salvation Army War College and concluded,"Faytene Kryskow wronged you,did not hear you,has doctrinal issues,will not be allowed to use our facilities again,Cordial Hall is owned by Killarney Community Center,rented to the War College who let Faytene use the place.So,firstly,sidewalks are public not private,secondly,she is in no way connected to who owns the building.

Anonymous said...

Faytene plays a game of dirty pool called 'kick em when they're down'

In 2004 when I tangled with her was four years from an assault and brain injury where I almost died.So,I was more vulnerable then and the results from 2000 probably showed.

That is not nice how I was treated by Faytene in a more vulnerable state.How could she do this and be so full of hate and so unashamed?

Anonymous said...

Faytene ran for Christian Heritage Party but didn't get in.

Persons I've talked to don't seem too enthused over the Christian Heritage Party.

The newspaper reports on her Cry2Him mentioned 'she's anything but meek' ,you'know I wonder,what's with Faytene and her attitude?

John said...

Marci McDonald Armageddon Factor

Amongst what she comments on is Faytene Kryskow

She bought CDs at The Cry and Faytene took them back returning her money saying, "I don't want you to have that!"

Anonymous said...

Reading a very good web address called Bene Diction Blogs On run by Dennis Gruending has done by himself and with the assistance of others very good research on Faytene Kryskow.
This is the 1st time I've heard of the New Apostolic Reformation
It is according to the Blog that Faytene Kryskow is NAR
Not just her but others she allies with.
She does not admit to this